This Pleasant Hill homeowner loved his new floor coating! Our Dream Team fixed his spalling from the salt that we have during the winter. He loved the final product and couldn't wait to get his items back into the space.
This is what we started with!
This is another angle of the "before" of the garage. You can tell there is some staining and spalling, not many cracks though!
After Grinding
We take our industrial grinders and grind down the concrete surface so it's super smooth!
In Progress
Check out our team throwing down some flake - this is after the polyaspartic base coat and some flake was laid down.
In Progress
This is another angle of what the floor looked like when we laid down the flake but had not down the polyaspartic top coat yet.
Another Angle - In Progress
Another view, this is before we put down the top coat!
This is after we laid dow the polyaspartic top coat - you can see the team putting the final finished on the edges.
Finished Product
Here is the finished product! A nice new durable floor coating.